Pilatus PC-12 Market Update Current Aircraft Listed: 70 Current Fleet Size: 1657 Pre-Owned Sales Previous 6 Months (End User): 26 Average Days On Market: 142 CLICK HERE to learn more about Premier Jet Aviation’s Business Aircraft Sales and Acquisitions Division. Premier Jet is one of the world’s leading business aviation services firms. Premier Associates are some […]

Anticipating growth for its popular single-engine turboprop PC-12 NG and the all new PC-24 Super Versatile Jet, Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd recommits to its Colorado roots and the US business aircraft market. Pilatus opens a brand new completion centre in Broomfield. In a ceremony at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport (KBJC) this afternoon, more than 200 […]

Pilatus engineers recently developed and certified a new PC-12 Master Maintenance Plan to give greater flexibility with regard to the timing of required inspections and maintenance. The plan applies to all PC-12 Series, and will reduce required maintenance labour by 20-40%. Based on a detailed analysis of in-service fleet experience of over 6.8 million hours, […]

In a ceremony held today at Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd in Broomfield, Colorado, USA the first production PC-24 twin jet was handed over to U.S. customer PlaneSense. The aircraft is the first of six PC-24s which PlaneSense has on order with Pilatus. Since 1996, PlaneSense has successfully specialized in offering fractional ownership transportation service with […]

The PC-24 will be on display at this year’s NBAA Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE), the world’s largest trade fair for business aircraft, to be held in Las Vegas, USA, in October. Pilatus expects to obtain the type certificate for its Super Versatile Jet in December 2017. The PC-24 development project has now entered […]

Final assembly work on the first PC-24 customer aircraft is proceeding at a swift pace: the fuselage and wings of the first series-built PC-24 were joined together at the head office site on 12 July 2017. Series production is being accelerated continuously to ensure that prompt deliveries of first customer aircraft can go ahead immediately […]

In my previous article, I discussed the different series and model designs of the PC-12. This article will focus on the single biggest hurdle that Pilatus had to overcome in marketing and selling the PC-12. Early aircraft engines were underpowered and unreliable. Multiple engines were required on an aircraft to carry a nominal payload […]

In my previous article, I discussed the history of the PC-12 and its developmental background. This article will focus on the model’s production history. The PC-12, like most long produced aircraft types, has gone through numerous modifications, upgrades and designation changes. The three basic model designations of the PC-12 are: PC-12/41- 4100KG MTOW PC-12/45- 4500KG […]

As part of a big celebration at the headquarters in Stans today, Pilatus handed over the 1,500th PC-12 to its loyal customer of many years, the Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia (RFDS). The PC-12 has become a Pilatus bestseller, and is used all over the world. A fitting handover celebration was held to mark […]

Pilatus PC-12 Part One: Development | The JetAv Blog by John Hall Pilatus Aircraft Limited, based at Stans, in Switzerland, has produced a wide range of aircraft since forming in 1939. The company originally was best known for its training aircraft, the P-2 and P-3 (no longer in production), the PC-7 and PC-9. It also had […]