^^Above^^ Premier Jet Aviation’s tandem-seat RV8 ended up becoming the perfect pilot skills training aircraft for course orientation and dual instruction around the championship course pylons. Enjoy the ride!
Article by: Mark Schweibold
Welcome to International Formula 1 Pylon Air Racing!
The National Championship Air Races is the last pylon racing event in the world. With seven classes of aircraft racing around the unique course, anywhere from 50 to 500 feet above the ground flying wing-tip to wing-tip at speeds exceeding 500 miles per hour, it is truly an event not to be missed. In the early days of airshows the biggest attractions were the air racers. The racers of the day were outperforming the best the military had to offer. Aviation made tremendous strides in the early days of air racing. International Formula One has kept that tradition alive. It is the oldest continuously operated airplane racing class in existence.Established in 1947 as an alternative to the (even then) outrageously expensive unlimited class, Formula One racers have been evolving for almost 70 years.
Today, the top racers use NASA technology to reach top speeds approaching 300 mph on the same engine that powers a Cessna 150 to barely 100 mph. International Formula One is without a doubt one of the most exciting forms of air racing with the field performing a rolling start from the runway, the racing starts immediately and is intensely competitive while remaining the most affordable form of world class motor racing. To prepare pilots for wing tip to wing tip racing and maximize everyone’s safety, the Reno Air Racing Association has sponsored the Pylon Racing Seminar (PRS) as a unique and productive opportunity for race pilots to prepare, practice and become certified to race in the National Championship Air Races each September. It is the objective of the Reno Air Racing Association to assemble the most experienced, skilled, trained and race-certified pilots to compete at the Reno National Championship Air Races. To accomplish this objective, RARA along with the individual racing class organizations provide PRS to all pilots — offering race practice time, education, training and certification to all pilots and allowing them to race with maximum competitiveness and safety at the Reno National Championship Air Races.

John flying Race 98 through the fifth pylon focusing on the checkered flag for his first place finish.
John Hall, who flew out for the session in Premier Jet Aviation’s RV8 in formation with his Formula 1 race Cassutt stated, “Training with this level of professional race pilots was very intense but also extremely rewarding and an excellent preparation for the national championship air races later in September.” The video above provides a unique ride along perspective with Premier Jet Aviation CEO and Formula 1 air racer John Hall and others as they complete the 2007 Pylon Racing Seminar to receive their professional air racing certification. John Hall went on two race two different Formula 1 aircraft that year becoming the first rookie pilot to accomplish such a daunting feat. John continued his racing career after his rookie season and went on to become a Formula 1 race winner.