- Total Time: 4425 Hours
- Total Landings: 3243
- RVSM & TAWS Compliant
- Transferable ProParts Program
- No Known Damage History
- Always Hangared
- Engine Model: Rolls Royce AE3007C
- TBO Interval: 6,000 Hours
- No 1 Engine: 4486 TSN
- No 2 Engine: 4318 TSN
- Both Engines 100% JSSI Engine Coverage
- Auxiliary Power Unit: Honeywell GTCP36-150CX
- 2600 TSN
- 67% JSSI APU Coverage
Inspection Status
- CessnaServiceCenterMaintained
- Cescom Maintenance Program – Available Upon Request
- 6/05 A-H Inspection by theWichitaCitationServiceCenter
To step into the front office of the Citation X is to get a preview of the 21st Century. The panel is dominated by the five 7 x 8-inch screens of the Honeywell Primus 2000 autopilot/flight director system. Dual flight management systems with GPS are standard. Even the crew seats are technologically-advanced, ergonomically designed for long-range comfort. This aircraft also incorporates a cockpit jump seat.
- Honeywell Primus 2000 system Dual channel autopilot/flight guidance
- 2 ea. Collins VHF422C 8.33 Khz spacing comm radios, P/N 822-1115-001
- 2 ea. Collins RTU tuning units P/N 822-0836-016
- 2 ea. Honeywell IRS units, P/N HG2001GC02
- 2 ea. King H.F. radio systems model KHF-950
- 2 ea. AHRU model AH800, P/N HG2010AC03
- 2 ea. IAC Computer model IC-800, P/N 7017300-31203
- Dual channel Flight Guidance Controller Model GC-810, P/N 7011702-929
- 2 ea. FMS control display units, interfaced with dual IAC’s, model CD-810, P/N 70077549-901
- 2 ea. Honeywell GPS sensors, model GNSSU, P/N HG2021GD02
- Honeywell radar model P-880, P/N 7021450-801
- 2 ea. Honeywell radar controllers model WC-880, P/N 7008471-417
- 2 ea. Honeywell ADC model AZ-840, P/N 7014700-607. RVSM S/B 750-34-05 Incorporated
- Collins TCAS II w/change 7, MODEL TTR-920, P/N 622-8971-120
- 2 ea. Collins VIR432 navigation receivers P/N 622-7194-201
- 2 ea. Collins DME-442 receiver transmitters P/N 622-7309-101
- Collins ADF-462 receiver P/N 622-7382-101
- 2 ea. Collins transponders model TDR-94D
- Honeywell EGPWS, MK-V with Wind Shear, P/N 965-0676-023
- Collins radio altimeter model ALT-55B, P/N 622-2855-011
- AirCell Phone system. Model ST 3100 Telephone system w/Iridium SAT interface
- Secure-A-Plane Ultralite Aircraft Security System
It’s no coincidence that the world’s fastest business aircraft is also the world’s most aerodynamically advanced. As a result, even at high-cruise power settings, the Citation X’s fuel consumption is comparable to other, much slower aircraft in its weight class. Day-to-day, you’ll use as much fuel as slower airplanes with smaller cabins. And you’ll arrive at your destination much sooner.
This Citation X exterior features a new Duncan Aviation strip and repaint in 2004 completed in a flawless overall Marathon White polyurethane paint with Aristo Blue accent stripes.
It doesn’t feel like a midsized business jet inside. That’s because it isn’t. The Citation X opens up a whole new aircraft category – with the most spacious and stunningly attractive cabin ever created for a Citation. The full-length stand-up aisle stretches 24 feet.
This interior is outfitted to make every trip both as pleasurable and as productive as possible. It features a new, June 2005, Cessna refined corporate layout with an 8 passenger cabin and belted potty, tastefully completed with Tan Spinneybeck Townsend leather seats highlighted by the high gloss deluxe BirdsEye Maple cabinetry and Almond Gold Metal Plating. Optional amenities include a floor-to-ceiling refreshment center behind the co-pilot, indirect interior lighting and an aft belted flushing toilet. This outstanding interior is in new condition.